Some unknown fact about pubg part 2 If you miss part1. 1. Real life pochinki Real life pochinki exist in mordovia reagion in Russia 2. Erangle map name coms from here Pubg creator Brendan Greene daughter name is eryn So eryn+angle = erangle. 3. The player unknown myth We all know that pubg full name is player unknown battle ground. here the " player unknown" is we are who play pubg. But here the " player unknown" mean Creator of pubg Brendan Greene He known as "player unknown" 4. Pubg income According to the superdata pubg income in year 2018 is 1 billion dollars Means 7000 cr. I.n.r Means 20 cr. Per day Means 2300 rupee per second. 5.The story of "winner winner cheaken dinner". In year 1930 America fase the economy crisis .the people of America (basically people of Vegas) started gambling and wh...
The mysterious number 7 You can notice that most of important things are connect with number 7 so this blog we are going to number 7 THIS ARE AMAZING THING ABOUT 7. The world have a 7 Continental Ocean in the world is 7 Week have a 7 days If you believe in spiritualality then you heard about 7 chakra in our body ( see in image). The rainbow have a 7 color The famous footballer and famous cricketer ronaldo and dhoni jersey number is 7 he musical nots are 7 9.Marriage in Hindu region men and women promise together called "saat vachan" this are also 7 10.The world have a 7 wonders There's are going long list for7 but i including only this facts. the number 7 is amazing and mysterious isn't it!!! Please write comments and ask how was the blog .and yes if i miss any details please comment. Thank you ❤
BABEN Baben is the world class facility village from gujarat india its basically belong from bardoli town (dist.surat) baben have a great public of NRI in the images you see that village have a beautiful lake and it's call baben lake basically it is the part of lake city. in the center of lake a small statue of saradar vallabh Bhai Patel(similar of statue of unity and you can't see in image because it's old images) the village have own R.O. plant it have dominos pizza,a many restaurant & cafe like Lakeview,doctor bubble,PS, baban bistro.the village have a many residential place like baben banglow,lake city,avadh sukan & life style. The village is become a top in cleanity in gujarat.baben is famous for his sugar factory the factory is very biggest in gujarat. .there are many pvt. & gov.Schools & college campus in the peoples are well educated in village. you can search on you tube ( but whole content are in Hindi,gujarati)the village have al...
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