Some unknown fact about pubg part 2.
Some unknown fact about pubg part 2
If you miss part1.
If you miss part1.
1. Real life pochinki
Real life pochinki exist in mordovia reagion in Russia
2. Erangle map name coms from here
Pubg creator Brendan Greene daughter name is eryn
So eryn+angle = erangle.
3. The player unknown myth
We all know that pubg full name is player unknown battle ground. here the " player unknown" is we are who play pubg.
But here the " player unknown" mean
Creator of pubg Brendan Greene
He known as "player unknown"
4. Pubg income
According to the superdata pubg income in year 2018 is 1 billion dollars
Means 7000 cr. I.n.r
Means 20 cr. Per day
Means 2300 rupee per second.
5.The story of "winner winner cheaken dinner".
In year 1930 America fase the economy crisis .the people of America (basically people of Vegas) started gambling and when they won they celebrate with cheaken. Basically this show victory food.
6. 3 million + player online at once.
According to gunnies books of world record
16 November 2017 pubg is first game who rich 2 million player play at same time. And highest going is 3,106,358 player at one time. That's huge 😮😮😮.
7. Pubg ad on t.v.
Pubg is only game in india who advertising on t.v. ( they can't advertising on their launching they advertising after they famous.)
8. Rearest iteam in pubg
The virtual red bandana is rearest iteam
In pubg it's only player have this who pre order this game . some people buy after that at about 1000dollars too.
Hope you enjoy
Pubg full forms -
Pubg clan name suggestion
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