15 crazy clan name Suggestion in pubg
15 crazy clan name suggestion in pubg. Note - this names are according to my knowledge. If these name are already taken so you can use some words after or before clan name like op,forthewin,borntoclutch etc. OR you can symbols and numbers also enjoy!!! 1. BTS (born to survive) 2. BYI (beyond your imagenation) 3. 4cg (4cool guy or crazy guy) 4. D.day (dooms day) 5. Eternal ( means immortal) 6. V4 ( sounds like we4) 7. Dominators 8. electrus 9. 4mg ( means 4 mad guy) 10. Psycho vipers ( you can use any snake name in this) 11. hammers 12. Swords 13. Squad47 ( here the 47 numbr is inspired by A.K.47 you can use any random number) 14. freggers 15. 4 R.M. ( 4 rifle man) 🙏🙏 Thank you🙏🙏